Cameroon Youth Entrepreneur 



What we want to change

The population of Cameroon as one of Africa is 
70 percent agricultural , And its economy relies 
on the informal sector. But during this part of 
the population again fails to live decently, 
because living under the poverty line. 
It is the same for young students, at the end of 
training , are abandoned in the street at the 
expense of their relative poor because the 
government no longer recruits. In this dramatic 
situation, the most by Cameroonians can not 
afford to seek treatment, food and especially to 
develop an activity. Some families go so far as 
to exhaust the last economy, which then leads to 
the non-schooling of many children. 
To give them hope, we graduates of higher 
education and joined in the association called 
"Active & Youth Entrepreneurship" (JAE) hel population by: 
-Promoting entrepreneurship by facilitating and improving the acquisition of micro - loans to troubled youth and women to enable them to finance small income generating activities, follow them until the end of the repayment of credit. With this, we can 
-Fight against unemployment  
-Fight against idleness and avert homelessness  
-Fight against poverty. 
Organize-yards and relief camps across the concept HELP TRAVEL  
We have very respectfully with you sir, petition for partnership to help us by making our goals and objectives:  
1) Develop and implement income generating projects for young women in difficulties. 
2) financing projects submitted by our local young ambitious entrepreneurs of both sexes. 
3) To monitor and to collect funds for the repayment of credit that enabled the start of certain activities.  
4) Training of human resources.  
We are confident that together we succeed.  


(c) Cameroon Youth Entrepreneur - Made with the help of
Last modified on 2.08.2012
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