Cameroon Youth Entrepreneur 



Help us like a volunteers

Financing micro-income generating projects  
The NGO works with a network of associations of women and young people that we identify. We retain the different members of projects to create economic activity, we seek funding for them, we ensure the opening up of activities and, later on we proceed with the recovery of credit allowed the startup of activities, and end we control its management for its survival.  
So we design projects that we make available to members associations.  
Training for employment  
We enable marginalized people to train, because with this training, they find a job and free themselves from financial dependence vis-ŕ-vis others. This program is reserved for people who drop out of school soon, and people who want a qualification for employment.  
Health & Environment  
With this feature, we are educating the public about the need to be around him and keep clean, be clean everywhere as they do as they are each in his property. For we must be clean home, office, and in the street. With this we can avoid many diseases.  
As we struggle against STIs and HIV / AIDS by organizing awareness campaigns and screening pending the school holidays, especially during the course championships holiday.  
Also we  
Encourage people to practice recycling. We advise many people to be able to invest because it is a big growth area which not only improve urban sanitation, but also a source of more employment and foreign exchange.  
But we think the best fight for STIs and HIV / AIDS remains the creation of structures to be able to occupy young people who engage in practice that I care to get enough to eat.  
Tourism for help with the concept Travel & help  
This concept can provide assistance to local populations of Cameroon. It is an optimistic project which aims to make the world better by creating multiple links between people through the many humanitarian and human experiences. All these actions can be performed by providing welfare to all of us.  
We want you to know Africa and Cameroon otherwise, outside tourist and business, while giving you the opportunity to take part in a humanitarian one.  
The budget that you spend a holiday classic, spend it to discover an authentic Cameroon is Africa in miniature, see the unspoiled countryside and make a unique experience by bringing a little joy to men, women and children with whom you'll have a shared history and emotion.  
With the momentum of unity and intercultural exchange. With this you'll be closer to people who need help, you may also attend courses provide academic support, repair classrooms, supported by funding projects generating revenues of some members of our different associations.  


(c) Cameroon Youth Entrepreneur - Made with the help of
Last modified on 18.11.2011
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